No Apologies:
'I think their real M.O. is when a Hall is close to being paid off, telling the congregation its time for either a new Hall or an expensive remodel project. I have seen this happen in almost every Hall I have attended.'
This is taking place in our next of the woods. Our hall is paid off. Neighboring halls are also paid off. Their is supposedly a need for a new hall. So who do they hit on to flip the bill for the new hall?
Family heads of each congregation (in the Kingdom Halls that are paid off) are asked to write on a slip (anonymously) how much they can afford to pay monthly for the new hall (which they will never use) while the WTBTS headquarters holds onto the pink slips of the already paid for Kingdom halls. Never a reprieve for the JW families.
The rich keep getting richer off the R & F. Its' a racket!
That is why I was taken back by this new scheme of theirs of accepting donations via debit & credit card charges. It appeared to me as though we had vendors who set-up shop in the lobby of the assembly hall.
What were they selling? Religion!!! And the GB have the nerve to call 'Christendom' greedy.
WTBTS has become (as someone put it)a prophet profit making business. Ironically, a speaker, in one of his parts read Proverbs 22:7 ....'The rich is the one that rules over those of little means, and the borrower is servant to the man doing the lending.'
Who really are the blind leading the blind? Hmmm!
In many respects the WTBTS shows itself not only of being greedy but also hard up for cash!